The Mansfield Chamber of Commerce (MCC)
welcomes you to our network of businesses and our hub for advertising in the community. We hope that you will find our organization to be an opportunity for your business and your employees to participate and network with other businesses in the community. Don't forget the contact the Chamber when you are having an event so that we may help you to promote an advertise it. If you find information needs updated on our website, or if your company information has changed recently, we encourage you to contact us so that we may update that as soon as possible. Thank you for your support and for your continued membership with the Chamber of Commerce!

Call Us!
+(570) 662-3442
Our Goals
This is the vision & mission of the Mansfield Chamber of Commerce.
Vision Statement
“The Mansfield Chamber of Commerce will continually strive to achieve economic growth and vitality within our community.”
Mission Statement
“We are committed to the enrichment of the community while providing economic opportunities for members and promoting member businesses.”
MCC meetings
are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Mansfield Borough Building.
You are invited to let us know more about your business or services by presenting briefly during the monthly meeting. Please call or see any officer to schedule a time. Another great way to get involved and promote your business is to consider hosting a meeting or mixer during the year. Don’t forget to contact your Chamber with announcements about an open house and other special events. There are many dedicated committees working to support community events and to keep the vision of the Chamber up and running. Please consider getting involved. Come and "Welcome to the Crossroads of the Northern Tier!!"